A 2-CD deluxe package documenting a musical reunion of three generations of pioneering western swing musicians. Never before released, this set marks the coda in the lives of legendary greats from the Dallas/Fort Worth area, recorded in 1983 and 1984. Produced by Cary...
The two programs on this special release mark the only existing broadcasts of blues/folk legend Huddie Ledbetter’s (a/k/a Lead Belly) “The Story of Folklore,” a weekly radio program aired on Sunday nights during August 1948 on WNYC New York and hosted by Lead Belly. Never before issued, the programs were recently discovered and acquired by OJL, with the assistance and cooperation of the Lead Belly Estate. Available in a 1950s-styled 10-inch LP, much like those issued by Folkways Records with album notes by Lead Belly biographer Kip Lornell. Available in a special blue vinyl edition for the first 1,000 copies only. To order, go...